Take Action!

Your voice is critical to shaping the Comprehensive Plan and the future of Seattle! We need your help and collective action to create an affordable, equitable, and sustainable Seattle. A few actions you can take to make the Comp Plan Update as strong as possible are below.

Attend Upcoming Open Houses and Public Hearings

The City of Seattle’s Office of Planning and Community Development is hosting upcoming open houses through the end of April about the Comprehensive Plan. These are great opportunities to learn more about the Plan and let city staff know why we want to see more housing opportunities. The remaining ones are:

  • April 25, 6-7:30pm - Eckstein Middle School

  • April 30, 6-7:30pm - McClure Middle School

The City is also hosting two hybrid public hearings on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). The DEIS is a big deal; it sets limits on what can be included in the comprehensive plan.  We need to make sure density everywhere is studied so it has a chance of being included in the plan.  That means we need a ton of folks to turn out over zoom and in person to testify.  Take a look at our guide on testifying and talking points here.

  • April 17, 10am-noon - City Hall

  • April 22, 6pm-9pm - City Hall

Write Comments on the Draft Plan and DEIS

You can submit written comments on the Draft Plan and DEIS through May 6 at 5pm. Read our Seattle Comprehensive Plan Engagement Toolkit for more information on how to write and submit an effective comment. You can submit written comments by:

Sign on to our Coalition Letter

Represent an organization? Our coalition invites other organizations to sign on to a joint sign on letter that will be addressed to Mayor Harrell.

This letter advocates for an ambitious revision of the draft plan, to ensure it truly meets the needs of all Seattleites by promoting more abundant housing, allowing for more family-sized homes, enhancing transit-oriented development, expanding neighborhood centers, and ensuring equitable growth citywide. Read the full letter and sign on through the button below.


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