Take Action

Your voice is critical to shaping the Comprehensive Plan and the future of Seattle! We need your help and collective action to create an affordable, equitable, and sustainable city.

Participate in the Public Comment Process

The City of Seattle has released draft zoning maps ahead of the release of the updated draft comprehensive plan and has opened a public comment period through December 20th for you to share your feedback.

This is a once-in-a-decade opportunity to shape the future of our city and ensure that no matter who you are, what you do, or where you live, you have access to housing you can afford in a vibrant, walkable neighborhood. It’s critical that Seattle elected officials hear from you about why we must prioritize housing abundance and complete communities.

Sign-on to Our Organizational Letter

We are sending a coalition letter, in response to the draft zoning maps and revised plan. Our letter commends the bold steps forward in the revised plan while offering key recommendations to further enhance its impact and ensure the One Seattle Plan fully realizes its potential. By signing on, your organization will join a growing coalition advocating for policies that create vibrant, inclusive, and walkable communities throughout Seattle.

How to Participate

  • Attend a public information session on the draft zoning maps, either in-person or virtually.

  • Fill out the comment form on the draft zoning maps. Some tips:

    • Be specific. Example: “I like that the downtown regional center is being expanded”

    • Be personal. Example: “The transit corridors should be expanded because I rely on taking public transit to work and it’s hard to find housing I can afford on a transit line. If we had more housing near transit, it’d be easier for me to find a place to live near frequent transit so I could cut my commute time and spend more time with my kids.”

  • Send a form letter using the link below. Make sure to customize the letter!


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